Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Words Continue Of Bone And Sinew

It is official.  I have started my second novel.  As you all should know by now, my first novel “Shadows of the Western Moon” is currently going through its first proofread.  I was going to wait until that proof read was done and I had started finished my second edit before starting the second novel.  Well, long story short, I got tired of waiting to write it and wanted to start it while the ideas were still fresh in my head, so I have started it.
The name of the second novel is going to be “Tears of the Western Moon” and it starts off just a couple of weeks after the events of “Shadows of the Western Moon”.  I am hoping with this one to not only expand upon the 2 main characters from the first novel, Jonah and Alissa, but also to really develop the two characters Sephira and Doctor Sliss, since they play a much larger role in this novel.  As I am finding out as I write this second novel, the first one was just the prelude to the real journey that these four characters experiencing. 
Currently I am only little over 6,000 words into the new novel and like the first; my goal is 50,000 just like it was for NaNoWriMo.  The main difference between now and NaNoWriMo is that I am taking a much more relaxed pace this time around when writing.  When I was participating in NaNoWriMo I had to have a daily goal of 1,667 words in order to hit my 30 day goal of 50,000 words.  Even though I was able to hit my goal of 50,000 words in 25 days instead of thirty, it was rather stressful at times, so this time around I am removing the 30 day limit from the equation.  My goal is to write 1,000 words per day with the exception of Saturday and Sunday.  On those two days I am not going to write anything. 
The second novel will be completed when it gets completed and I am not going to rush it.  I am hoping that by doing this, it will make the first time I edit it go a lot smoother then the first novel did.  I had to completely rework sections of the first novel because of grammatical errors that could have been avoided the first time around if I had not been in such a hurry.
But anyway, here is a little taste of what the new book has in store for you.  This is the prologue which isn’t very long but sets things up quite nicely.  This is the very first rough draft of this which has not yet been edited in any way.  I hope you enjoy.
          They watched and they waited as time slowly passed them by.  The Watchers watched as they had done now for thousands of years, waiting for the sign, the sign that would tell them it was time to awaken the Sleepers.  They knew that the time was drawing near, they could hear the pulse.  The pulse, the rhythm of life, they could hear it slowly fading. High in their orbital position above the planet’s surface they watched, they waited, they listened. 
All of the Organics were now gone from the station, their dreams though still living on within the Watchers and the Sleepers.  The Organics had built them well, made them to last.  Their programming was infallible.  If necessary, the Watchers would wait till eternity, though they knew that that would not be the case, for the pulse was slowing, fading and soon the sign would come.  Then great machines would them spring into action, fulfilling their purpose once more. 
In the vacuum of space there was little to cause damage to the great machines as they watched and waited, indeed, the biggest threat that they had experienced was a loss of power.  Thanks to the Organics that had made them, the machines had an unlimited source of power which had aided them over the many years of their vigil.  Strategically placed mirrors that reflected light from the sun when it was on the opposing side of the planet below, kept the solar panels on the back side of the station fed.  This prevented to station and the machines within from running out of power which was important to the task that the Watchers were charged with. 
Soon, soon, the Watches whispered among their circuits. The signal will be shown to us once again.  Soon, we shall awaken the Sleepers.  Soon it will be time once again, time to unleash the Tears of Sila once more. 

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