Saturday, January 28, 2012

Message to God #2

Have you ever seen a sky so blue as the one we lie under right now?
I feel it calling to me, reaching out to pluck me from this earth.
Have you ever seen an ocean so clear as the one we are floating on?
I hear the depths calling my name, calling me home.
Have you ever seen a night so black as the one in my soul?
It grips my heart, clenching and squeezing, consuming it whole.
Have you ever heard a cry so sad as the one to pass from my lips?
It aches and breaks me, ripping me down to the moment of my birth.
Have you ever felt so betrayed as I do because of you?
You broke me before I ever had a chance, no choice was given.
Have you ever cursed someone as I now curse you?
You did this, you will never make it right, you just don’t understand.
How does it feel to know that I am your mistake and I hate you for it?
I hope it burns you to your very core because you deserve no less.
How do you feel when you see me, knowing I will never forgive?
I hope it hurts you in a way that you will never recover from.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Message to God #1

You said you'd lift me up.
You said you'd hold my hand.
You said you'd take my pain,
Make me understand.

You said you'd cover me.
You said you'd fill my need.
You said you'd always care,
You stand there as I bleed.

I thought you had my back,
but now I bleed from it.
I thought you loved me,
But you don't give a shit!

You fucked me over.
You set me up to fail.
You enjoy my misery,
In my personal hell.

What the fuck did I do?
Do to deserve this all?
Did you build me up,
Just to watch me fall?

I can't believe I trusted you!
You always hated me!
You made me your joke,
This truth I see!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's Officially Done or I Read Till My Eyes Bled

It is official!  I have finished my first edit of “Shadow of the Western Moon”.  That’s right, you heard me.  I finished the FIRST edit…  Now the book is going to my faithful proof reader to tell me where, how and why it sucks…  But enough negativity, I finished the first edit and that is all that matters.  Reading through the novel I found numerous errors that I am rather ashamed of , but, when you take into consideration that I wrote this whole book in 25 days, I think the errors can be excused to a point.  The most common error that I have is using then instead of than.  Yay!  Grammer Nazis attack that foul mistake pronto! 
Anyway, on a more serious note, I ended with 53,903 words in my word count.  That is 16,097 words shy of the minimum that I want the final edit of this book to be.  Once my proof reader gets done with it and hands it back with all the red lines and red ink corrections, we will see what I can do about adding those 16,097 words. 
All in all, I actually deleted about 4,000 words in the editing process, but added around 7,000 words to it while editing.  So an extra 3,000ish words added to the original word count is not bad by my standing. 
I am still wondering if I should add the chapter titles like I mentioned in the last blog post.  I would like to hear some feedback from the people who read my blogs on what they think.
Anyway, I know you all want to have another excerpt from the book so I guess I can leave you with one more just to tease and tantalize you.  Enjoy.

Alissa leaned over and kissed him deeply  when Jonah settled down beside where she had taken a prone position in order to get the most stability for the rifle.  Feeling her tongue swirl gently in his mouth he gave in and kissed her in return.  Quickly she broke the kiss and looked into Jonah’s eyes.
          “Just in case,” she started.  “You know, if things go bad...”  She trailed off from what she was saying then dropped her right eye to the scope before squeezing off the first round.
          The explosion from the shot caused Jonah’s ears to ring smartly as the rifle recoiled violently against Alissa's shoulder.  She took the recoil with ease as if this were a common practice for her.  She quickly ejected the shell and had a new round chambered, ready to fire again. 
          Jonah turned his attention back to the followers that appeared as a shapeless mass at the center of the cloud of dust that followed them.  Just as he turned his attention back he saw a twisted, formless shape flip into the air from the mass right before another shot rang out into the air, seconds later another shape flew into the air. 
          Looking back to Alissa he could clearly see that she was enjoying herself as she fired round after round into the mass, though the mass did not seem to slow despite her efforts, if anything it was steadily drawing closer.  Once again Jonah checked his gun before looking back to the front of the cart. 
          Rasheed worked the controls of the clockwork horses like a madman, throwing the levers wildly as he tried to push them faster than seemed possible, Lilly had a small pistol out in her right hand while her left arm was wrapped protectively around Basheer.  She was looking to the rear of the cart and updating Rasheed on the progress that was made by the followers.  She saw Jonah watching and smiled reassuringly, despite the worry that was etched into her brow. 
          Off to the distance Jonah could see the churning waters of the river Thane, but as fast as the clockwork horses could carry the cart, he knew that they would not reach the river in time.  He turned back to rear of the cat and now realized he could see the creatures that followed.  He could now see that it was the same type of creatures that had attacked the farmlands and killed his parents while taking Father Mallory's leg when he was a child.  Jonah had never seen the creatures for himself before, but he had heard enough stories over the course of his life that he knew them by sight. 
          There seemed to be hundreds of them following behind, striding impossibly fast on impossibly long legs in an effort to catch the cart.  Their writhing skin and morphing bodies caused him to shudder in revulsion.  The creatures came at them moving quicker than Jonah could have ever imagined that they could move and soon they were nearly upon the wagon. 
          Jonah stood up, took aim with his revolver and pulled the trigger for the first time.  The recoil was much stronger than he anticipated and it knocked him backward onto his ass as the creature he shot seemed to disappear in a spray of blood, bone and gore.  Alissa paused in her shooting long enough to look at Jonah's gun in amazement before going back to work picking at the mass of creatures as fast as she could. 
          Struggling back to his feet Jonah heard a small crack from behind him and knew Lilly had joined in the fray, firing her small pistol at the creatures nearest to her.  Soon as he was back upright, he braced himself as best as he could and squeezed off another round, this time he rocked back with the recoil as the creature he had been aiming at exploded.  Quickly he brought the barrel back down to fire again taking another out in a spray of gore.  Jonah soon got into a rhythm, allowing him to fire shot after shot with surprising speed that was broken only when he needed to reload as the revolver auto ejected the spent rounds as they still smoked.  Jonah struggled to reload the gun the first time, his hands shaking from adrenalin and the sheer power of the weapon in his hand but soon he mastered the process and found it came to him with ease.
          One of the creatures was now close enough to reach into the cart, going for Alissa with an elongated arm that, instead of a hand, had a large spike made of bone, which it thrust forward, seeking her flesh.  Jonah pushed Alissa to the side roughly with his left foot causing the spike to catch him in the calf, shredding through both muscle and bone.  With a gasp of pain Jonah fired on the creature at point blank range as it started to attach itself to his left leg.  Its upper torso vanished as the round hit its flesh causing the now detached spike to wither and fall to the ground. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Am Who I Am

No teasers of the novel today, sorry, but I do have an update on it.  I just finished editing Chapter 17 and have started on Chapter 18 which I hope to have done by the end of tonight.  I have thought about giving the individual chapters titles (something that I absolutely adore in other books such as the Parasol Protectorate novels) but I am not sure if I should or not.  I would like to have witty and lighthearted chapter titles but that might not work since the book isn’t that lighthearted.  After all one of the characters is perhaps one of the most unfortunate characters I have ever met.  The things that this woman has been through in her many years of existence would shatter and break the minds of most, yet she perseveres.  She is actually one of the more optimistic characters in the story, yet I think somewhere deep inside there is battered and broken individual who is putting a brave face forward.  But this is me speculating, I haven’t gotten to know her very well due to the small role she has in this book. 
The second book on the other hand should be interesting since I will get a lot more time to spend in her head.  Not that I have started on the second book yet, just saying.  Speaking of the second book, I am going to have four main characters in it.  Two of them I have given you, my dear readers a glimpse of… That would be Jonah and the previously mentioned woman (See previous paragraph), Sephira. The other two are Alissa (she is a big player in the first novel) and the mysterious Doctor Sliss, an Ibian who joins the three main characters at the end of book one, but what is her true purpose?  Anyways, here is the real reason I posted… Enjoy.

I am who I am.  That will never change.  I don’t like what I am.  That will never change.  Very few people know the struggle that I live with every day of my life, even fewer know about the real me.  I want to be free to be me, but I know that that will never happen.  I want to shout from the rooftops, tell the world who I am inside, shatter the illusion I maintain for the sake of society.  I want to tell the world so that I don’t have to pretend anymore.  I want to be able to be who I am not who people think I should be.  I want to break these chains that I have placed on myself to hold me in, shatter them and scatter them to the corners of the earth, but that will never happen.
The world is a dangerous place for people like me.  We have no place that we belong, no place to retreat to when the world is out to get us.  Once the world finds out who we are then it is only a matter of time before we find ourselves beaten and bloody, sometimes physically, sometimes mentally and sometimes spiritually.  The places that we once could go to escape, places that are supposed to be filled with family and love, are shut off.   There is no escape at that point, no way to get away, no place to retreat too.  We are truly alone.
I have to hide myself, tuck my true self into a corner, not letting the world see me for what I truly am.  I do this partially out of fear and partially out of shame.  I’m afraid of what people will think I’m afraid of how they will treat me if only they knew.  I am ashamed of the fear that plagues me.  It causes me to be miserable in my life.  Maybe one day I will revel myself to the world, but that is going to be no time soon.  For now I just sit in this shell and wait, living the lie I live.  No one suspects, no one knows, no one sees, the real me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Reflection of Me

I know how much all of you who read my blog are looking forward to more info on my novel, but unfortunately for you that is not what you are getting today.  Sorry to disappoint but just trust me when I say, the editing process is still moving along, though at a slower pace.  When I get done with this edit I am going to let some proof readers at it before I start the second edit... so there, now you at least have a little novel update.

The reflection of me that I see in the mirror is not a reflection on you, Mother.  There is no sense in blaming yourself for the way I turned out.  You couldn’t help the fact that I have felt the way that I have felt throughout the years.  I’m broken and scared of the way I feel but there is nothing I can do to change.  How I wish I had been able to articulate my desires and feelings to you and Dad so that maybe something would have been done to change the way things turned out.  Would you have listened?  Would you have taken me seriously?  Or would you have just hoped that I would grow out of it, saying that it was just a phase that I was going through?  I don’t know, but I do know that it is my fault for not telling you when I should have.  Due to these faults of my own, depression weighs in, burdening my soul. 
The reflection of me I see in the mirror is a reflection of how you, God, made me.  I look to you for answers yet you are silent.  I want to know why, why me?  Why did you do this to me?  Why am I so weak that I could not be honest with my parents about who I am inside?  Was there reason for me to fear their reaction the way that I did?  If so, then why couldn’t you put me with someone who would have been more approachable?  I hate you sometimes for what you have done to me and I want to make you feel the pain that I feel for what you have done to me.  I feel like the cosmic joke that exists only for your amusement and I despise you for it.  Say something damn it!  Tell me why!  I hate you so much I could cry but I won’t give you the satisfaction of seeing my tears.  It’s not my parents fault I who I am today, the fault lies with you and me. 
The reflection I see when I look in the mirror is not a reflection of me instead it is a stranger I see.