Thursday, June 30, 2011


It cuts through mist to the forest below,
down to the canopy it pools, swirls and flows.

It gathers, it spills, through leaves it weeps,
it drips, it drains, down the trunks it seeps.

Where it touches, life, nothing does it take,
the world comes alive, creation springs awake.

Trees feast and feed, soaking it in,
plants sing praise, relishing life once again.

Critters skitter and scurry, basking it's warm,
they seek and they play, in groups they form.

A myriad of song lifts with the voice of one,
glorious they sing to it, a new day has come.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Pieces I Kill

Tenderly I step, quietly easing my way,
the pain pricks my feet, sharp and sweet,
as pain brings memories of that day,
I knew there was a price and time was fleet.

For all I had done and was to do,
for all I was and would become,
Ihad to chose between me and you,
We could never be, an impossible sum.

I took up a knife and struck so quick,
the blood sprayed high, slick and red,
the part of me that was you made me sick,
I thought I would be better with you dead.

Not thinking, just doing, I hacked,
cutting you off and out of my life,
feeling like odds were no longer stacked,
I sat there calm, done with strife.

I thought i was done, never again to deal,
but fate had something else in mind,
your shade in my heart wouldn't let me heal,
it sat there watching, wholly unkind.

Tormenting me unending, everyday,
Memories of a time when you were pure,
gnawing at my mind, making it pay,
I corrupted you, of that I'm now sure.

I walk lightly across this bed of nails,
toward where your last remnants lay,
to reach the memory of you else all fails,
to rid myself of you, no mater what I pay.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trappings of My Own Device

Silently a tear falls up my cheek,
quietly I cry, for I cannot speak.

My hands bound, mouth sewn shut,
senses muted by I know not what.

Sight is darkened, hearing dulled,
melancholy creeps, to sleep I'm lulled.

Dark aether surrounds, holding in place,
tightening gently, I float in space.

Memory stirs, I try to embrace,
I have forgotten, my purpose, my place.

My mind struggles, facing ahead,
escape is a must, before I am dead.

I struggle now, fighting to be free,
straining against the bonds, covering me.

I resist, pulling, sinew popping,
hands now free, there is no stopping.

I twist, I turn, slipping, grasping,
till hands find hold, breath now gasping.

I try to scream, pull against stitching,
ragged lips now free, blood dripping.

I cry in anger, frustration and fear,
how could I forget, purpose now clear.

I grip at darkness, the end is near,
I rip, I shred, the blackness I shear.

Soon rewarded with a shimmer of white,
I pull myself out, and into the light.


This blog is for me,
A way to be free.

Expressions I muse,
may be verbal abuse.

Sometimes they're crude,
and maybe even rude.

Hopefully to inspire,
strive for something higher.

As I try to pursue,
a passion to share with you.